A magical portal opens and you step through apprehensively…

It will be a good idea to bookmark this page, or keep it open in a separate tab, for reference during the adventure.

When you think you know the destination the robed figure has asked you to reach, play the game normally on the Overland Map, moving to that location and stopping instantly when reaching it. When you reach the destination square, stop moving. Leave your Dice Pool remaining exactly as it is - you will not reset your dice when moving on.

Upon reaching the destination, follow the URL in the black box below, but add the name of the destination to the end of the URL. The name of the destination will be the module abbreviation, the chapter number and chapter name where the map for that location first appeared. Ignore any punctuation and spaces.

Example: mod3thebardstavern (this would mean Mines of Darkness Chapter 3, “The Bard’s Tavern”)

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